Building ORC
Building both C++ and Java
The C++ library is supported on the following operating systems:
- CentOS 7
- Debian 10 to 12
- MacOS 13 to 15
- Ubuntu 22.04 to 24.04
You’ll want to install the usual set of developer tools, but at least:
- cmake
- g++ or clang++
- java ( >= 17)
- make
- maven ( >= 3)
For each version of Linux, please check the corresponding Dockerfile, which is in the docker subdirectory, for the list of packages required to build ORC:
To build a normal release:
% mkdir build
% cd build
% cmake ..
% make package test-out
ORC’s C++ build supports three build types, which are controlled by adding
to the cmake command.
- RELWITHDEBINFO (default) - Optimized with debug information
- DEBUG - Unoptimized with debug information
- RELEASE - Optimized with no debug information
If your make command fails, it is useful to see the actual commands that make is invoking:
% make package test-out VERBOSE=1
Building just Java
You’ll need to install:
- java (>= 17)
- maven (>= 3)
To build:
% cd java
% ./mvnw package
Building just C++
% mkdir build
% cd build
% cmake .. -DBUILD_JAVA=OFF
% make package test-out
Specify third-party libraries for C++ build
% mkdir build
% cd build
% cmake .. -DSNAPPY_HOME=<PATH> \
% make package test-out