Package org.apache.orc.impl.mask
package org.apache.orc.impl.mask
ClassesClassDescriptionAn identity data mask for decimal types.An identity data mask for floating point types.A data mask for list types that applies the given masks to its children, but doesn't mask at this level.An identity data mask for integer types.A data mask for map types that applies the given masks to its children, but doesn't mask at this level.A mask factory framework that automatically builds a recursive mask.The Provider for all of the built-in data masks.Masking routine that converts every value to NULL.Masking strategy that hides most string and numeric values based on unicode character categories.Masking strategy that masks String, Varchar, Char and Binary types as SHA 256 hash.A data mask for struct types that applies the given masks to its children, but doesn't mask at this level.A data mask for union types that applies the given masks to its children, but doesn't mask at this level.