Class SHA256MaskFactory


public class SHA256MaskFactory extends MaskFactory

Masking strategy that masks String, Varchar, Char and Binary types as SHA 256 hash.

For String type: All string type of any length will be converted to 64 character length SHA256 hash encoded in hexadecimal.

For Varchar type: For Varchar type, max-length property will be honored i.e. if the length is less than max-length then the SHA256 hash will be truncated to max-length. If max-length is greater than 64 then the output is the sha256 length, which is 64.

For Char type: For Char type, the length of mask will always be equal to specified max-length. If the given length (max-length) is less than SHA256 hash length (64) the mask will be truncated. If the given length (max-length) is greater than SHA256 hash length (64) then the mask will be padded by blank spaces.

For Binary type: All Binary type of any length will be converted to 32 byte length SHA256 hash.